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学生是search Presented at Eastern Psychological Association Conference

詹姆斯·布莱尔,23岁, 心理学数学 双学位,博士. 凯利凯恩, Assistant Professor of 心理学 at 埃尔迈拉大学, recently traveled to Boston to present the results of their research at the Eastern Psychological Association conference.

布莱尔, who’s planning to attend graduate school for social psychology after graduating this spring, wanted to conduct research ahead of attending grad school, 所以他联系了Dr. Kane 和 together they jumped into the research process.

“I want to go into the field of social psychology,布莱尔说. “There are more studies that I can complete 和 this experience gave me a view of what it will be like in graduate school 和 how I can prepare.”

The research that Kane 和 布莱尔 completed looked at the effect of visual prompts in getting people to adopt helpful behavior. 在研究中, participants watched a two-minute news clip about an incident where Atlanta residents helped a stranger on a highway after he suffered a medical emergency while driving. 看完视频后, participants were r和omly put into one of two groups 和 were asked a series of questions regarding the video. One of the two groups had language regarding helpful behavior in their questions 和 the other group had the opposite. The participants were then asked to help the researcher by staying after the study 和 providing additional written answers to more questions.

“Participants who chose to help the researchers after watching the video reported that they did so because of spare time 和 a desire to aid the research, but there was no difference in helping behavior by prompt condition,凯恩说。.

“This study didn't receive statistically significant results, but the outcome of responses was still interesting to analyze,布莱尔说.

At the conference, 布莱尔 和 Kane presented their research in a poster session. 布莱尔 received many questions 和 comments from participants, giving him ideas about where he can take the research further.

例如,Dr. Kane’s colleagues suggested I add personality types into the research,布莱尔说.

“This was an incredible experience,布莱尔说. “We were able to showcase the work that Dr. Kane 和 I had been doing for months at a regional level. 不仅如此, I got to learn so much about other projects, 认识很多人, 建立很多联系.”

The Eastern Psychological Association conference is a large, regional conference that includes faculty 和 students from colleges across the Northeastern states.
