

如果你有兴趣帮助人们减轻疼痛和管理他们的健康,同时也能够设定自己的时间, you may want to consider becoming a chiropractor. To do so, you’ll need a doctor of chiropractic medicine. 埃尔迈拉大学 will help you complete the prerequisites for a graduate application, including the required courses and 医疗保健经验. 你也可以在EC完成研究,这可以帮助你在申请过程中脱颖而出.
许多脊椎按摩师开设了自己的办公室,但该领域也在向运动医学等利基医疗领域扩张, 老年医学, 物理治疗, 和康复. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 预计在2021-2031年间,脊椎按摩领域将增长10%,平均工资为75美元,000.


根据《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》的数据,牙医在“最高薪工作”中排名第11位,在“最佳工作”前100名中名列前茅.S. 新闻. This may be why graduate programs are highly competitive. The 埃尔迈拉大学 program can help you navigate the prerequisites for graduate programs, 包括课程, 医疗保健经验, 准备考试. 也, 因为我们很小, many of our undergraduate students participate in research, which can help set you apart in the application process.
Many of our graduates went on to attend University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. 我们还与伊利湖骨科医学院(LECOM)达成协议,我们可以推荐学生提前进入布雷登顿的牙科学校, 佛罗里达. 研究生毕业后, 许多牙医加入或开始私人执业,但也有一些选择进入研究或学术界. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 牙科领域预计将在2021-2031年间增长6%,平均工资为163美元,220.


mg冰球突破豪华版下载职业治疗预科课程将帮助你为职业治疗硕士课程做准备,并最终引导你从事职业治疗. 设计灵活, 你可以选择合适的课程组合,这将在申请研究生院时给你带来优势. 例如,你可以完成心理学专业,辅修生物学或运动前训练. 这一点,再加上实际的实习经历,会让你在申请研究生院时脱颖而出.
在这个节目中, you’ll learn foundations in science and health, 包括生物学和心理学, 这两者都是帮助人们从身体或精神残疾中恢复或适应的重要因素. 在实习期间, you can explore the different settings occupational therapists often work in, 包括医院, 学校, 还有养老院. This will help you find the right fit as you n箭头 your studies and begin your career.
The Pre-OT program will prepare you to become an occupational therapist. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for occupational therapists between 2021-2031 is expected to grow by 14%, much faster than average for all occupations. The median annual salary is $85,570.


药剂师在整个美国都是需要的,并且是医疗保健团队中越来越重要的成员. Becoming a Pharmacist requires a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD). 药学博士研究生项目通常竞争激烈,每个名额大约有8个人申请. To attend you’ll likely need to take the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCAT), complete a number of prerequisite courses, 获得医疗保健经验, all of which you will find help completing at 埃尔迈拉大学. 除了, 你可以在EC做研究, which can give you an advantage when applying for graduate programs. 我们与宾厄姆顿大学药学院和布法罗大学药学院签订了3+4协议.
大多数的美国人.S. 住在离药店5分钟的地方,所以从地理上来说,你几乎可以去任何地方. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 就业前景相当稳定,需要不断替换退休或离开该领域的工人. The median salary for a pharmacist is $128,570. 你也有职业选择. You can choose to focus on patient health or go into pharmaceutical research.


If you want to become a physical therapist or an athletic trainer, 当你申请运动训练硕士课程或物理治疗博士(DPT)课程时,你会想给自己一个优势. mg冰球突破豪华版下载预科课程包括申请这些竞争激烈的学位课程所需的先决条件课程和实践医疗保健相关的实习经验. 而Pre-PT在mg冰球突破豪华版下载为您提供了灵活性,专注于各种领域, 包括运动医学.
你将学习如何通过促进健康的体育锻炼来帮助人们从受伤或疾病中恢复过来. 在实习期间 or via community service hours, you’ll shadow physical therapists, 成为一名PT助手, 或者协助运动教练. 这将为您提供从事运动训练或物理治疗所需的医疗保健经验.
Pre-PT课程将为你成为一名物理治疗师或运动教练做好准备, two fast-growing professions that are in demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021-2031年间,物理治疗师和运动教练的就业前景预计将增长17%, much faster than the average for all occupations. The median salary for an athletic trainer, 哪个需要硕士学位, is $48,420 and the median salary for a physical therapist, 这需要博士学位吗, is $95,620元/年.


If you are passionate about animals and community health, 享受解决问题, and want job flexibility and security, then you may be thinking of becoming a veterinarian. But there is a lot of competition to join this high-paying field. 有33所认可的兽医学院,通常每个席位都有两份申请. The 埃尔迈拉大学 program can help you navigate the graduate program prerequisites, 包括课程, 动物护理经验, 准备考试. 也, 因为我们很小, many of our undergraduate students participate in research, which can help set you apart in the application process.
对兽医的需求量很大. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, veterinary jobs are expected to grow 19% between 2021-2031 and the median salary is $100,370元/年. Veterinarians enjoy a diversity of career paths. Some start their own practice while others may work for an aquarium or zoo. 最近从mg冰球突破豪华版下载兽医预科项目毕业的学生去了康奈尔大学, 密苏里大学, 堪萨斯州, 俄亥俄州立大学, 田纳西大学, 林肯纪念大学, 和罗斯大学, 等.


If you are passionate about helping people and improving community health, 享受科学和医学, and desire a high-paying and secure career, then you may be thinking of becoming a physician or surgeon. The 埃尔迈拉大学 program can help you navigate the graduate program prerequisites, 包括选哪些课程, what internship experiences you need, and how to prep for tests and applications. 也, many 埃尔迈拉大学 undergraduate students participate in research, which can help set you apart in the application process.
Physicians and surgeons are in steady demand, with a continual need to replace professionals who leave or retire. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for physicians and surgeons is $208,000元/年, the highest median salary of all occupations. Plus, you’ll have many career options within the field. 例如, 你可以在医院或私人诊所工作,你可以专攻急救, 儿科, 或麻醉学. 埃尔迈拉大学 students have gone on to medical programs at SUNY Upstate, 布法罗大学, NYITCOM, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 密歇根州立, UNECOM, 和LECOM, 等. 另外, mg冰球突破豪华版下载有伊利湖骨科医学院(LECOM)的早期录取项目。, which has a campus right next to 埃尔迈拉大学. 学生可以在高中或在EC的前两年申请提前录取计划.
