Access the tools you need to thrive during your academic journey at 埃尔迈拉大学.



埃尔迈拉大学 is committed to providing reasonable accommodations and 服务 to students with qualifying documented disabilities, 根据… 1973年康复法案第504条,并与 1990年美国残疾人法案(ADA)

Accommodation requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Manager of 可及性服务 in collaboration with the student. Assistance is also available to students experiencing short-term illness or physical injury.


  • 学习障碍
  • 心理或神经状况
  • 视觉、听觉或行动障碍
  • 慢性健康或医疗状况

Any disability that substantially limits one or more of a person's major life activities may necessitate modifications to the 服务, 项目, 使用学院的设施,以确保学生有平等的机会. Students who have eligibility documentation on file with 埃尔迈拉大学’s Manager of 可及性服务 can be approved for a variety of 适当的安排 与个别学生确定的需求相匹配.

值得注意的是, 尽管大学生受到504条款的保护, 以及美国助理检察官, students choosing to go to college are not entitled to the same level of academic support they received in high school. 进入大学的学生从一个结构化的环境中走出来 确保学生成功 到一个大学水平的环境,旨在 允许平等准入.

The College ensures access, but success is up to the student who must seek out appropriate support:


22岁的伊芙琳·舍恩伯格提高了考试成绩. "In one of my Nursing exams that I took before receiving a testing accommodation, 前30道题我只答错了两道. But I had many wrong answers in the last 20 questions of the exam because that is when other people began getting up to leave. ... 我没意识到我需要安静的空间."



参观 U.S. 教育部民权办公室 for more information on the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities preparing for postsecondary education.

读到这 博士的公开信. 简年后), Founder and President of Disability Compliance in 职业生涯 and Online 学习ing, 残疾人获取信息和支持. J箭头 shares her experience transitioning her child with Cerebral Palsy to a higher education institute. Her letter includes recommendations on how to let your student or students take the lead in advocating for themselves.


  • 除非你主动,否则我们帮不了你! Your first step is to disclose your disability to the appropriate staff and tell us about your intent to seek reasonable accommodations. 这可以通过发送电子邮件accommodations@elmira来完成.edu,称 (607) 735-1808,或在 学生成功办公室 甘尼特-特里普图书馆.
  • 摄入 & 同意书
    • 这是你需要填写的电子表格. This helps us to better understand what’s worked for you in the past and what you think will help you succeed here at EC. It also gives you an opportunity to grant us permission to speak with others on campus and your parents/guardians.
  • 残疾证明表格
    • You will need to have a medical professional complete the 残疾证明表格 and return it to us. This is their opportunity to offer their professional medical advice about how we can best support you.
  • 其他支持文件
    • 如果你在以前的学习环境中有IEP或504计划, 这些都是对我们有用的文件. 尽管它们很有用, 它们不被认为是充分的文件, 所以你仍然需要残疾证明表格(见上文).
  • Once the necessary forms have been submitted, you will be invited to meet with our office. 在这次会议上, we will review the information provided by you and your medical professional(s) and determine what reasonable accommodations will be afforded to you. Please note that reasonable accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • 在每学期开始的时候, 我们会把你的住宿通知单用电子邮件发给你, 哪个列出了你得到的合理住宿. It is your responsibility to share this memo with your course instructor(s). It’s also a good idea to have a conversation with your instructor(s) about what they can do to make the learning experience positive for you.
  • 如果你有条件的话, you will need to complete a form before every test for which you plan to use your accommodations.
  • 如果你的住宿包括使用学校拥有的设备, 我们将要求您签署一份贷款协议.
  • 如果你的住宿条件包括讲座录音, you and your course instructor(s) will need to sign a recording agreement.
  • 我们的办公室随时为您提供帮助! 如果有些东西不适合你,请让我们知道.


根据高等教育和残疾协会(AHEAD), 学术住宿文件应包括:

1. 评估者的资格证书

The best quality documentation is provided by a licensed or otherwise properly credentialed professional who has undergone appropriate and comprehensive training, 有相关经验, 并且与被评估的个体没有私人关系. A good match between the credentials of the individual making the diagnosis and the condition being reported is expected (e.g., an orthopedic limitation might be documented by a physician, but not a licensed psychologist).

2. 确定残疾的诊断声明

Quality documentation includes a clear diagnostic statement that describes how the condition was diagnosed, 提供有关功能影响的信息, 并详细说明病情的典型进展或预后. While diagnostic codes from the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM) or the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) of the World Health Organization are helpful in providing this information, 完整的临床描述也将传达必要的信息.

3. 对所使用的诊断方法的描述

质量文档包括诊断标准的描述, 评价方法, 程序, 测试和管理日期, 以及临床叙述, 观察, 以及具体的结果. 在适合残疾性质的情况下, having both summary data and specific test scores (with the norming population identified) within the report is recommended. Diagnostic methods that are congruent with the particular disability and current professional practices in the field are recommended. 方法可能包括正式的文书, 医学考试, 结构化面试协议, 业绩观察和非结构化面试. 它源于非正式的, 报告了非标准化或不太常见的评估方法, an explanation of their role and significance in the diagnostic process will strengthen their value in providing useful information.

4. 对当前功能限制的描述

Information on how the disabling condition(s) currently impacts the individual provides useful information for both establishing a disability and identifying possible accommodations. 一种结合结果的正式评价程序, 临床的叙述, and the individual’s self report is the most comprehensive approach to fully documenting impact. The best quality documentation is thorough enough to demonstrate whether and how a major life activity is substantially limited by providing a clear sense of the severity, 情况的发生频率和普遍性. While relatively recent documentation is recommended in most circumstances, common sense and discretion in accepting older documentation of conditions that are permanent or non-varying is recommended. 同样的, changing conditions and/or changes in how the condition impacts the individual brought on by growth and development may warrant more frequent updates in order to provide an accurate picture. It is important to remember that documentation is not time-bound; the need for recent documentation depends on the facts and circumstances of the individual’s condition.

5. 对残疾的预期进展或稳定性的描述

It is helpful when documentation provides information on expected changes in the functional impact of the disability over time and context. Information on the cyclical or episodic nature of the disability and known or suspected environmental triggers to episodes provides opportunities to anticipate and plan for varying functional impacts. 如果病情不稳定, information on interventions (including the individual’s own strategies) for exacerbations and recommended timelines for re-evaluation are most helpful.

6. A description of current and past accommodations, 服务 and/or medications

The most comprehensive documentation will include a description of both current and past medications, 辅助艾滋病, 辅助设备, 支持服务, 和住宿, including their effectiveness in ameliorating functional impacts of the disability. A discussion of any significant side effects from current medications or 服务 that may impact physical, 知觉, behavioral or cognitive performance is helpful when included in the report. While accommodations provided in another setting are not binding on the current institution, 它们可能为当前的决策提供洞察力.

7. 住宿建议, 自适应设备, 辅助服务, 补偿策略, 及/或附属支援服务

Recommendations from professionals with a history of working with the individual provide valuable information for review and the planning process. It is most helpful when recommended accommodations and strategies are logically related to functional limitations; if connections are not obvious, a clear explanation of their relationship can be useful in decision-making. While the post-secondary institution has no obligation to provide or adopt recommendations made by outside entities, 那些与程序一致的, 服务, 大学或项目提供的福利可能是合适的. When recommendations go beyond equitable and inclusive 服务 and benefits, they may still be useful in suggesting alternative accommodations and/or 服务.

在mg冰球突破豪华版下载, this information is collected from a medical provider using the 残疾证明表格, which will be provided to students upon their self-disclosure of their disability to the 学生成功办公室. Please note, High School IEP and 504 plans are NOT considered sufficient documentation.


mg冰球突破豪华版下载有一个 美丽而历史悠久的校园 位于纽约州的南部. Some locations on campus can pose challenges, especially for individuals with mobility impairments.

The Manager of 可及性服务 provides students with information and assistance regarding accessibility on campus. Students that have eligibility documentation on file with the Coordinator can:

  • Make special housing requests through the Coordinator and the Office of Residence Life.
  • 解决教室无障碍问题. When appropriate, classrooms can be relocated on campus to more accessible locations.
  • 在各种校园停车场找到残疾人停车位.
  • 查看/下载/打印校园地图 为您的来访

For information regarding obtaining a Handicapped Parking Permit, please visit the New York State Department of Moter Vehicles - Parking for People with Disabilities

